Estimate for Finite Time Ruin Probability with Insurance and Financial Risks 带有保险风险和金融风险的有限时破产概率的估计
A theoretical distribution of the number of successes in a finite set of independent trials with a constant probability of success. 成功率不变的有限独立试验中成功数目的一个理论分布。
The expect of the time of ruin and the finite time ruin probability are also presented. 考虑了破产时的期望,有限时间破产概率。
Finite time stabilization for output probability density function of stochastic system 随机系统输出概率密度函数的有限时间镇定
Insensitivity to negative dependence of the finite time ruin probability for renewal model with constant interest force 常息力更新场合有限时间破产概率对负相依索赔额的不敏感性
Treating many factors which mainly affect the fatigue crack growth as random variable, the probabilistic finite element method and reliability analysis are combined to study the failure probability for fatigue crack growth. 采用概率有限元和可靠性分析相结合的方法,将影响裂纹扩展的主要随机因素作为随机变量处理,研究裂纹扩展失效概率的计算问题。
Finite Element Analysis of Probability on Tunnel Lining Structure 隧道衬砌结构的概率有限元分析
In the last section of the paper, we consider when the loss distributions have heavy tails, we will give asymptotic formulas for the finite time ruin probability by an inductive approach on the recursive equations. 在论文的最后一部分,本文将考虑在一定的假设下,损失服从重尾分布时,怎样用递归的方法给出有限时间内破产概率的渐近公式。
It is shown numerically that in a finite step algorithm 2 converges with very high probability to the optimal trajectory. 数值计算证明:在有限步内通讯网可靠性的最优路径算法2能以高概率收敛到最优路径。
The finite time ruin probability of the risk model with constant interest force was considered. 考察了有利息力风险模型的有限时间破产概率问题。
Finite Partially Ordered Classification Models Based on Posterior Probability 基于后验概率的有限偏序分类模型
This paper modifies the finite mixture option pricing model of Ritchey by replacing his non-combining binomial probability tree with a finite Markov Chain. 对Ritchey的通过以有限马尔可夫链替代其非组合二项式概率树的有限混合期权定价模型进行了修改。
Using finite element method and comparision with experiments, the probability curve for lateral resistance of a three story brick concrete building is found. 运用有限元计算和实验比较的方法,得出了三层砖混结构建筑物的抗侧力效应概率分布;
A theoretical queue model of ATM switch with Bernoulli arrivals of two priorities and finite output buffer capacity is developed. The average queue size, the loss probability of packet and the average waiting time are derived. 对双优先级贝努利(Bernoulli)分布到达的有限输出队列ATM交换模型进行了理论分析,导出了平均队长、平均分组丢失率、平均分组等待时间等关系式。
Two Kinds of Method with High Accuracy for Finite Element Probability Computing Method 两种提高有限元概率算法精度的方法
Meanwhile, the reasons of bankruptcy are found out via mathematical ways. Some other results are achieved, for instance, the certain bankruptcy of enterprises in a finite time, the critical ruin probability of the enterprise and so on. 同时用数学的方法找到了破产的原因,并得到在有限时间内企业必破产、企业的临界破产概率等结果。
Stochastic finite element analysis for fuzzy probability of embankment system failure by first-order approximation theorem 一次逼近随机有限元对堤坝模糊失效概率的分析
Finite mixture-models as an extremely flexible and powerful probability and statistical-based modeling tool have received increasing attention in statistics, a wide range of pattern recognition and engineer fields as so on. 有限混合模型是一种基于概率和统计的建模工具,使用起来非常灵活,应用范围广,受到了统计学界、模式识别、工程领域等诸多领域的广泛关注。
The asymptotic estimate for the finite time ruin probability was also obtained when Poisson process was extended to the renewal process. 而对于有利息力的更新模型,得到了有限时间破产概率的渐近表达式。
The dimension and dimension distribution of finite measure on probability space 概率空间上有限测度的维数及其分布
Finite time ruin probability with constant interest force 有利息力情形下的有限时间破产概率
The finite element probability computing methods 有限元概率算法计算保偏光纤中应力双折射的微元算法
The improved first_order second_moment method and the stochastic finite element method are used to work out the system probability of failure for improvement of computational precision. 在这种情况下,为了提高系统失效概率计算的精确性,采用了改进的一次二阶矩法和随机有限元法求解系统的失效概率。
This paper is based on numerical simulation of finite element, use the theories of probability and statistic method to calculate the safety coefficient of the slope node by finite element simulation. 以有限元数值模拟为基础,应用概率论与统计论的方法,计算有限元模拟边坡节点的安全系数。
For a perspective set that is generated by finite consequences in probability, this paper introduces a concept of basis and its uniqueness is proved. 对于由有限后果诱导生成的随机性决策的展望集,本文引入基的概念,并证明了它的唯一性。
Recursive equations for finite time ruin probability and distribution of ruin time are derived. 并且推导出了关于有限时间破产概率和破产时间分布的递归方程。
Combining Monte Carlo simulation with finite element method, this paper gives a way to analyze the probability of the deformation stability of foundation pit. Response surface method is employed to improve the calculation efficiency of direct Monte Carlo simulation technique. 将MonteCarlo模拟法与有限元技术结合,对基坑变形的稳定性进行可靠度分析,并通过重构响应面来提高MonteCarlo模拟法的计算效率。
The Stochastic Finite Element Method for Reliability Analysis of Random Structures under Unavailable Joint Probability Density Functions 当联合概率密度未知时随机结构可靠性分析的随机有限元法
As a mathematical statistics modeling tool of analysis a wide variety of random phenomena, FMM ( Finite Mixture Model) can be defined any complex probability distribution model, which has been applied in many statistical data modeling of theoretical study and practical work. 有限混合模型作为分析广泛随机现象的一种数学统计建模工具,可用来定义任何复杂的概率分布,在许多统计数据建模的理论研究和实际工程中得到广泛的应用。